Faculty of Political Sciences, Sociology, Communication
Department of Political Sciences
A.Y. 2018/2019
15th Edition
The Master in International Tax Planning is an annual course of study of high specialization held by the Department of Political Sciences, «Sapienza University of Rome».Course participants attain grades throughout their studies through a credit point system (60 italian academic credits). On successful completion, the Degree of Master in International Tax Planning is awarded by Sapienza University of Rome. The edition 2018/2019 will start on February 2019 and will be completed on December 2019.Lessons will take place once a week on Friday from 9AM to 5PM.
The MITP guarantees candidates comprehensive training in the fields of tax planning, compliance and monitoring of the international operations and businesses. These skills are useful, among others, for the career advancement in the roles of financial, civil and military administration and, therefore, within international tax teams of multinational corporations as well as for professional consulting practice, especially tax lawyer, statutory auditor and chartered accountant.
The teaching staff is made up of italian and foreign university professors or researchers particularly qualified in this field, officers of the Guardia di Finanza (Italian Tax Police), managers from the national revenue agencies and professionals who have gained operational experience in the specific subject. Many lecturers are also members of the EATLP (European Association of Tax Law Professors) and of the editorial/scientific committees of the ITLR (International Tax Law Review), scientific journal owned by the Department of Political Sciences placed in Group A of the ANVUR (Italian National Agency for the Evaluation of the University and Research) ranking of scientific journals on legal matters.
The Master takes advantage of the Foreign Correspondents network, which is part of the International Tax Law Review to organize conferences, studies and seminars at international level. It also has consolidated partnerships with prestigious foreign universities.
The interaction with the business world is carried out with different tools: enrollment of candidates sponsored by companies and professional firms, assignment of term papers on topics of business interest, collaboration of companies in teaching activities, internships.
Some lessons, which involve leading representatives from academic, professional and business fields, are organized as seminars opened to guest students and to the public (for more details, please visit our Twitter and Facebook profiles).
Starting from 2010, the MITP has a hand in the organization of the annual Joint Seminar together with the "Master on International Taxation" by International Tax Institute of the University of Hamburg, promoting - alternately in Italy or abroad – a workshop on a specific topic of international taxation, european and/or comparative.The Joint Seminar, this year at the 9th edition, represents for the students a precious moment of comparison and debate with the foreign colleagues, officers of the Guardia di Finanza (Italian Tax Police), managers of the tax revenue agencies as well as leading professional experts and international tax managers of multinational corporations.
In order to apply, candidates must have already completed a postgraduate degree in either Law or Business Studies or other comparable qualification (included in the list attached to the “Announcement of the Public Competition for the Admission to the Master Degree Programme” published on the University’s website https://www.uniroma1.it/en/offerta-formativa/master/2019/pianificazione-... ) either in Italy or abroad.
Special financial aids are reserved for the officials of the Tax Agencies and the personnel of the Guardia di Finanza (Italian Tax Police), who has stipulated a memorandum of understanding with Sapienza, recognizing the Master among those of greatest interest in the educational offer delivered by the University .
Scholarships funded by the FormAP are reserved for public employees, under a special agreement signed between Sapienza and FormAP, expected to be renewed by the next weeks. In addition to this, the MITP/Department of Political Sciences will award one more scholarship to a selected candidate who have obtained a qualification, suitable for the enrollment, no later than two years before the current application deadline. This scholarship winner will have to perform the role of tutor, providing administrative and academic support for both teachers and students.
Last years the MITP has been officially accredited by ODCEC Rome (Professional Accounting Association of Certified Public Accountants, Auditors and Advisors) and by the italian BAR Association, providing credits for professional training and continuing education. The accreditation of the current edition is still running.
More info at https://www.facebook.com/MasterPTI.
Specific requests can be sent via e-mail at master-pti@uniroma1.it and dip-scpol-didattica@uniroma1.it.
The closing date for applications is January 15, 2019 (see the public announcement for detailed instructions). The admission interviews will take place at 12PM on January 21st2019, at Department of Political Sciences (room 23, 3rdfloor), Faculty of Political Sciences, Sociology and Communication (Building CU002), Sapienza University of Rome: Piazzale Aldo Moro, 5 - 00186 Rome.
Department of Political Sciences
Piazzale Aldo Moro, 5 - 00186 Rome
Tel. (+39) 06 49910528 Fax (+39) 06 4451392
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