The International Tax Law Review, four-monthly periodical registered with the Press Registry 27th December 1996 under n. 654, is an authoritative match point for the analysis of case law, practice and doctrine of tax law, in Europe and beyond, and aims to become an indispensable tool for studying and deepening of International, Europea and Comparative Tax Law.
In the past, the Review has given ample proof to be the engine of important insights in the field of international taxation, promoting conferences and seminars in several universities. To improve the results obtained, the Review is committed to expanding the most of its spread within the scientific community worldwide to engage in debate, an increasing number of scholars and refine the quality of its content.
To meet its international vocation, the Review is multilingual and maintains an extensive network of relationships among the tax law Professors of several foreign universities through a close link with the European Association of Tax Law Professors (E.A.T.L.P.), whose members, both from Italy and from other Countries, are members of the Editorial staff.
In this perspective, the Board of Directors has been enlarged, adding to Giovanni Puoti and Andrea Amatucci: Jacques Malherbe, Claudio Sacchetto and José Manuel Tejerizo Lopez. In the Scientific Committee as well, have been gradually co-opted Italian and foreign professors particularly attentive to issues of international taxation.
An important step in the growth of the Review was, then, the expansion of the Editorial Staff, oriented to ensure a more useful comparison between the schools throughout Italy and the numerous foreign scientific correspondents. To the "historical" seats of the Editorial Staff, located in Rome (directed by Pietro Selicato) and Naples (directed by Fabrizio Amatucci), joined the new seats of Turin (directed by Claudio Sacchetto), Pescara (directed by Lorenzo del Federico) and Milan (directed by Giuseppe Marino). In addition, the Editorial office has been strengthened, aiming at ensuring a continuous dialogue with the readers through the social networks and through our website.
By activating the new website together with the profiles on the most popular social networks, the Review sought to use a better tool of communication indispensable to foster dialogue between all the partners. At now, the website is limited to providing information about the contents of the Review (the indexes of issues already published, essays and articles to be published), its structure and initiatives related to it. Soon, many documents will be published online and in-depth information will be covered in the next issues of the Review.
It should be noted, finally, that starting from the year 2010, the Review is published by a new editor: "Sapienza University Press". Trough this change, the Review is able to acquire the skills of an important university publisher, able to ensure a high scientific content and an appropriate distribution in the most prestigious universities.
Starting from 2014, the ITLR has undertaked an active partnership with the “Journal of the Guardia di Finanza (Italian Tax Police)" aiming to develop the exchange of scientific materials and the development of joint studies and research together with the Italian Tax Police.